TarSar Marsar Lake Trek

6 daysOn Request

TarSar Marsar Lake Trek

Aru, is a tiny village amidst the Himalayan forests and wildlife. Quite a number of treks begin in this region – the most famous ones being the treks to Tarsar and Marsar lakes, Kolahai glacier, Lidderwat and Katrinag valley. There are many camping sites at the meadows of Aru through which a small stream runs. If you prefer a more comfortable stay before the start of the Tarsar Marsar trek then there are few cottages and guest houses available as well.

Travel Style: Active
Service Level: Standard
Trip Type: Small Group

The trek begins at Shitkadi, which is few kilometers ahead of Sonamarg. You will have to reach Srinagar on your own and meet the pickup team at 2.30 pm. The drive to the base camp will take around 2 hours. Altitude: 7,800 ft TIME TAKEN: 2 Hours’ drive.

Altitude- 7,800 ft, Time Taken: 6 hours, 9 km. The 04 km is the gradual ascent to the tabletop point. The trekkers are advised to fill two bottles of water for the day’s trek. There is a Dhaba on the tabletop point where one can have tea /coffee/snacks. One can see the spectacular view of Sonamarg from the tabletop point. Then the hike will be continued till the lunch point. The tree line ends at the lunch point. It will take approx 1 hour from the tabletop point to the lunch point. Form the lunch there will be moderate ascents till the Nichnai campsite. It would be around 3 pm or 4 pm by the time we reach the Nachnai campsite.

Altitude- 11,500 to 12,000 ft, Time Taken: 6 hr, 12 km. The first 5 km till Nachnai pass is normal ascent. The altitude of Machina pass is 12000 ft. one can get a mobile network on the top of the Machina to pass there will be normal descent of 4 km from the Machina pass till the lunch point. From the lunch point to the campsite 3 km. This section of the trail crosses through beautiful and picturesque meadows. It will be a normal walk till the Vishnusar camping site. The camping site is near the vicinity of the beautiful Vishnu sir lake.

Altitude 12000 ft to 12500 ft, Time is taken 8 hr, 13 km. Today is the best day of the trek with lots of flowers on the way. After 1 km of normal ascent from Vishnusar, is the beautiful Kishansar. After Kishnasar Lake 5 km steady ascents to the Gadsar pass, 13800 ft, which is the highest altitude in the trek. You can see two lakes from Gadsar pass, Vishnarsar, and Kishnasar. From Gadsar walk 4 km with a view of a lot of flowers on the way to reach Gadsar Lake, have lunch by the lakeside. After lunch walk, 5 km through meadows 2 reach the campsite, Based the army camp 12000 ft.

Altitude 12,500 ft to 12,000, Time Taken: 4 hr, 8 km. Carry sufficient water bottles as the source will be a bit far. Just after starting the trek, there will be a river crossing. After that an easy walk by the mountainside for 5 km with a normal ascent you will see Naga Parvat of Pakistan, which mostly remains covered by clouds. Take rest and the campsite is just 4 km from here. There will a normal ascent, after which comes the army camp where your ID will be checked. After the army camp, you will see 7 lakes. Reach the campsite around 2 pm and then on arrival, you will be served hot lunch.

Altitude 12,000 ft to 11,500 ft, Time Taken: 4 hr, 9km. At the start of the trek, you have to cross a 2 km boulder zone, after which the last ascent of the Kashmir Great Lakes trek starts which is about 2 km. After the ascent you will reach the 2nd highest pass of the trek 12,900 ft. You can see 4 lakes from the Zag pass, 2 of which is big and 2 small. Try to reach the pass by 10 am. You can see the huge Harmukh peak from the Nandkul -Gangabal pass. Then you will climb up a 2 km zig-zag ascent and 1 km down to reach Nandkul Lake, The campsite for today. You will reach Nandkul lake by lunchtime, which is 4 km from pass.

Gangabal. We have a buffer day with no major trekking or task. One can go to Gangabal Lake and can have some fun activities.

Altitude- 11,500 ft – 7,450 ft, Time Taken: 6 hr, 11 km last day schedule starts by crossing the river, and then a 5 km walk will lead us to trees, you will find trees from here till downhill, the foot of the mountain. End of trek and Drive to Srinagar and Stay in House boat in Nigeen Lake.

We would recommend you to take Evening flight to enjoy morning on Nigeen lake with Shikara ride and this end your exhilarating Kashmir trek.


The people who know best

Niru Govender

I had a wonderful time on the trip through the remote and beautiful Garwhal himalays. The Har Ki Dun valley is a worthy destination for any hiker who enjoys seeing snow capped peaks in close range. Our guiding team really helped us appreciate the majestic scenery by making everything so easy for us – taking care of everything from our lugagge, setting up our tents, the delicious meals and even motivation when the trek was hard. I particularly appreciated your expertise , in guiding us through difficult and unpredictable weather, ensuring we ate well and treating all of our little ailments along the route while gently and persistently moving us closer to our destinations. I think you very judiciously managed the team, taking calculated risks with the composition of the team in mind while ensuring we made the most out of the trip. I will certainly not hesitate in recommending you to other people for the duty of care and expertise you showed on our mountain trails and beyond.

Niru Govender

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Package cost: Negotiable